Family Portal

Uniforms and Dress Code
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Purchase uniforms from:
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms
10905 Dutton Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154
All students are required to be in proper uniform upon entrance into the school building at 7:55 am each day.
All uniforms must be proper size, no over-sized clothing is allowed.
It is the family’s responsibility to provide all necessary items for a complete uniform.
Regulation Uniform for Boys and Girls Grades 1-5
- Steel grey dress pants with plain black belt & buckle
- White Peter Pan Blouse, long or short sleeve for GIRLS (White turtleneck underneath is optional)
- White button down shirt, long or short sleeve for BOYS (White turtleneck underneath is optional)
- Black & red striped tie
- Black sweater Monogrammed
- Black Mary Jane shoes for GIRLS
- Black tie shoes for BOYS
- Plain black belt
- Girls in 1-5 can also wear the red and black plaid jumper, with the Peter Pan Blouse, black monogrammed sweater and solid white or black socks/tights.
Regulation Uniform for Boys Grades 6-8
- Black blazer with school crest (required from October to May)
- Grey dress pants with plain black belt & buckle
- Button down white Oxford shirt, long or short sleeve (White turtleneck underneath is optional)
- Black and red school tie
- Black penny loafers
Regulation Uniform for Girls Grades 6-8
- Black blazer with school crest (required from October to May)
- Black and red plaid skirt (touching the top of the knee, not rolled)
- Button down white Oxford blouse, long or short sleeve (White turtleneck underneath is optional)
- Solid white or black knee socks or stockings
- Black penny loafers, a heel less than 1/2 inch is acceptable
- Girls may also wear grey dress pants, white button down blouse, penny loafers and blazer.
Physical Education Uniform for Grades PK-8, and Full-Time Uniform for PK-K
- Red t-shirt with DePaul Catholic lettering
- Black mesh shorts with DePaul Catholic lettering
- Black sweatpants and sweatshirt with DePaul Catholic lettering
- All pieces listed above need to be purchased at Flynn & O’Hara
- Sneakers
- Permitted jewelry: watch, ring, religious medal, earrings smaller than the size of a dime.
- Hair must be kept neat without any faddish haircuts or lines shaved into hair. Color highlights are not permitted. Extensions must be the same color as the student’s natural hair color.
- Make-up is not permitted, including nail polish, lip gloss and fake nails.
- No tattoos.
“Dress Down” Dress Code
- Appropriate fitting clothing
- No short-shorts
- No questionable slogans
- No tank-tops or spaghetti straps
- No low cut tops or crop tops or midriff exposure
- No holes in clothing
- No flip flops, clogs or platform shoes
- If proper attire is not brought, student will not be admitted to class for the day. In addition the student may lose the next dress down privilege.

Health Forms Required
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Parents are required to complete two medical forms as part of the enrollment process. Download the forms from the IMS Health & Safety page. On that page you can also find a list of immunizations required by the state. The two forms are:
- The medical/immunization history form
- The request/consent for administration of medication

Volunteer Clearances
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We welcome volunteers! To ensure the safety of our students, all volunteers are required to obtain three clearances before serving: PA Criminal Background Check, PA Child Abuse History Clearance, and Fingerprinting. Follow the steps on the IMS Clearances web page.

School Handbook
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Supply Lists
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Pre-K 3 and 4
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 roll of paper towels
- 1 Clorox or Lysol wipes
- 1 pack of baby wipes
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue and several glue sticks
- Peanut-free snack for class (Goldfish, pretzels, animal crackers, etc)
- 2 Green poly/plastic folders
- 2 red poly/plastic folders
- 2 boxes of 24 crayons
- 2 glue sticks
- 2 packs of #2 pencils
- 1 SOFT pencil case
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1st grade
- Multiple packs of #2 pencils
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 box of regular markers
- Several boxes of tissues
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
- 1 container of Lysol/Clorox wipes
- 1 roll of paper towels
- 1 pack of pencil erasers
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 2 colored folders (one for class, one for home)
2nd grade
- 1 box of 12 crayons
- 1 box of 12 markers
- 24 #2 pencils
- 1 pair of scissors
- 4 glue sticks
- 2 composition books
- 4 folders
- 2 erasers
- 1 SOFT pencil case
- 2 dry erase markers
- 1 pack of baby wipes
- 2 packs of Lysol/Clorox wipes
- 4 boxes of tissues
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
3rd grade
- 24 #2 pencils
- 1 pack of 24 crayons
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 1 pack of erasers
- 2 composition books
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 5 folders (1 each-red, orange, yellow, green & blue)
- 1 can of Clorox/Lysol wipes
- 1 roll of paper towels
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 1 box of sandwich size ziploc bags
4th grade
- 24 #2 pencils
- 4 boxes of tissues
- 2 folders with the 3-hole punch (1 red & 1 blue)
- 4 notebooks
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 1 pack of black dry eraser markers
- 1 pack of lined loose leaf paper
- 1 can of Lysol wipes
- 1 3-inch binder
5th grade
- 8 black&white composition books
- 4 packs of lined loose leaf paper
- 8 poly/plastic folders
- 1 glue stick
- 1 SOFT pencil case (no boxes)
- 1 pair of scissors
- 4 packs of 24 Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 hand-held pencil sharpener
- 1 student planner assignment book
- 2 24-pack crayons
- 1 12-pack colored pencils
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 3 rolls of paper towels
- 1 (4-8 pack) dry erase markers
- 1 12oz bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 can Clorox/Lysol wipes
6th-8th grade
- 1 student planner assignment book
- 1 clipboard
- 3 stretchable textbook covers
- 2 packs of loose leaf paper
- 8 composition books
- 5 poly/plastic folders
- 1 pack dry erase markers
- 1 dry eraser
- 1 hand held sharpener
- 20 black or blue pens
- 2 red pens
- 24 mechanical pencils #2
- 12 #2 wood pencils for math
- 1 SOFT pencil case
- 1 pack of 5″x 8″ large index cards
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 1 24-pack crayons or colored pencils
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 1 12oz bottle of hand sanitizer
Music Class – grades 6-8 only
- 1 copy book
- 1 folder
Art Class
- 1 pack of markers
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 1 can Clorox/Lysol wipes
- 1 smock or oversized T-shirt
- 1 pack paper plates
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 1 pack of pencils
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